MJH Life Sciences
Next.js | React | Sanity | AWS | Vercel | Sanity | GraphQL | Sentry.io | Supabase.io | React Native | Jira
MJH Life Sciences™ is home to some of the world’s most iconic health care brands, across oncology, primary care, specialty care, pharmacy, industry sciences, and more, dedicated to providing health care professionals with the information, resources, and education they need to optimize patient outcomes and improve care, all created to inform, educate, and inspire. Our 60+ brands offer health care professionals unparalleled access to insights and thought leadership and are committed to helping provide the best care to patients.
- Handled database and Web site programming tasks (primarily using JavaScript, React, React Native, PHP, AWS, Supabase, HTML, and Sanity) for 50+ medical media websites.
- Had SEO related tasks. Used Algolia to optimize web site for search engine rankings and improved functionality of company database.
- Handled both the front end and back end for One Community App, a like Facebook app for medical professionals built using React Native and Supabase.